Validation failed for type named Num declared in package Specio::Library::Builtins (/usr/share/perl5/Specio/Library/ at line 135 in sub named (eval) with value undef Trace begun at Specio::Exception->new line 57 Specio::Exception::throw('Specio::Exception', 'message', 'Validation failed for type named Num declared in package Specio::Library::Builtins (/usr/share/perl5/Specio/Library/ at line 135 in sub named (eval) with value undef', 'type', 'Specio::Constraint::Simple=HASH(0xd3fdd0)', 'value', undef) called at (eval 193) line 84 DateTime::_check_from_epoch_params('epoch', undef) called at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl5/5.24/ line 470 DateTime::from_epoch('DateTime', 'epoch', undef) called at /home/pi/www/hscch/cgi-bin/ line 167 main::webcam at /home/pi/www/hscch/cgi-bin/ line 37 main::start at /home/pi/www/hscch/cgi-bin/ line 27
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